Fargo Red River Horseless Carriage Club

Welcome to the Fargo Red River Horseless Carriage Club, your premiere source for information on Horseless Carriage Club of America car shows and swap meets in North Dakota!
Here you will find information on the region’s branch of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, as well as information on cars and parts for sale, information about the national organization, and a photo gallery from some of our shows and swap meets.
Next Club Meeting:
When: Monday, February 3, 2025
Time: 6 PM
Where: Pizza Ranch
4480 23rd Ave S
Fargo, ND
Monthly Host: Jack & Helen
General Meeting Information: Order a pizza or go through the buffet. Monthly meeting to follow.
Any questions, please call 701-388-9797.
Contact Joe Hesse or Pat Hanggi for more club information
Joe Hesse
Hawley, MN 56549
Pat Hanggi
7090 64th Ave S
Horace, ND 58047
701-282-3622 or 701-388-1574
2024- 66th HCCA Midwest Regional Tour
2024- 66th HCCA Midwest Regional Tour
June 9-13, 2024 at Dyersville, Iowa
Hosted by the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group HCCA
Here is a tentative look at what we have in store for you on the tour.
We will have registration at the motel, Sunday, 3-6:45pm and Monday, from 7:00-8:00 AM
(if needed) There will be a Welcome at 7PM with a Movie to follow.
We have tried to leave a little time in the late afternoon to take in some fun sights in Dyersville on your own, that we didn’t have time to put in our schedule, please check out the Visitors guide that is included in your packet. It also has a list of eating places for your evening or lunch meal choices,
Monday, we will be driving to the city of Dubuque, IA. We will be driving approximately 80 miles (round trip). Lunch will be on your own today.
Tuesday, we will be driving over to Elkader, IA. We will be driving approximately 100 miles (round trip) Lunch will be provided today.
Wednesday, we will be traveling on Old Hwy 20 to Independence, IA. We will be driving approximately 80 miles (round trip). Lunch will be provided today.
Thursday, we will be driving around the city of Dyersville, IA. We will be driving approximately 20 miles (round trip). Lunch is on your own today.
There will be a lot to see today.
We will have a Banquet Thursday evening at our host hotel.
This tour is open to all ages of cars including modern. (miles per day is listed above.)
HCCA membership is only needed for the Regional Awards voted on by tour participants.
Please pass this information on to anyone who would like to participate and have them send us
their e-mail or mailing address. There is also a spot for your cell phone number, just in case we would need to contact you on the tour.
We look forward to seeing you and having a good time.
Thank you
Helen Diemert - Pat Hanggi and Marie Kelch
701-388-9797 701-3881574 319-505-0850
June 9-13, 2024 at Dyersville, Iowa
Hosted by the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group HCCA
Here is a tentative look at what we have in store for you on the tour.
We will have registration at the motel, Sunday, 3-6:45pm and Monday, from 7:00-8:00 AM
(if needed) There will be a Welcome at 7PM with a Movie to follow.
We have tried to leave a little time in the late afternoon to take in some fun sights in Dyersville on your own, that we didn’t have time to put in our schedule, please check out the Visitors guide that is included in your packet. It also has a list of eating places for your evening or lunch meal choices,
Monday, we will be driving to the city of Dubuque, IA. We will be driving approximately 80 miles (round trip). Lunch will be on your own today.
Tuesday, we will be driving over to Elkader, IA. We will be driving approximately 100 miles (round trip) Lunch will be provided today.
Wednesday, we will be traveling on Old Hwy 20 to Independence, IA. We will be driving approximately 80 miles (round trip). Lunch will be provided today.
Thursday, we will be driving around the city of Dyersville, IA. We will be driving approximately 20 miles (round trip). Lunch is on your own today.
There will be a lot to see today.
We will have a Banquet Thursday evening at our host hotel.
This tour is open to all ages of cars including modern. (miles per day is listed above.)
HCCA membership is only needed for the Regional Awards voted on by tour participants.
Please pass this information on to anyone who would like to participate and have them send us
their e-mail or mailing address. There is also a spot for your cell phone number, just in case we would need to contact you on the tour.
We look forward to seeing you and having a good time.
Thank you
Helen Diemert - Pat Hanggi and Marie Kelch
701-388-9797 701-3881574 319-505-0850
2024 – 66th HCCA Midwest Regional Tour
June 9-13, 2024, Dyersville, Iowa
Hosted by the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group HCCA
Name of entrant: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Horseless carriage: _____________________________________________________________________
(year) (make) (model) (body style) (gas, steam, elec.)
CELL NUMBER: _________________________________ we don’t want to lose anyone on tour)
HCCA Membership #__________________is only necessary to be eligible for the Regional HCCA Award
Voted on by the tour participants.
Tour Fee is $225.00 per person #______ adults ____________________________________________
(excluding lodging) (Name of passengers)
(under 10 free) (Names of children)
TOTAL enclosed________________ Please make check payable to Fargo HCCA
Registration deadline is May 13, 2024
Make your reservations by calling the Comfort Inn Dyersville, 527 16th Ave. SE, Dyersville, Iowa 52040 at
563-875-7700. Tell them you are with the HCCA TOUR. Room Rate: $133.28 (includes all tax), for standard single king or standard double queen. Pets are allowed, fee is $25 per night. (Please be aware, places we visit may not allow pets.)
(this is the DATE the BLOCK WILL BE RELEASED.)
Name of Insurance Carrier__________________________________________________________________
(company) (agent)
I agree that the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, its officers, sponsors, or membership will not be held liable for any accidents or injuries incurred while I or any of my passengers participate in this tour on June 9-13, 2024 in Dyersville, Iowa and surrounding areas.
(signed by entrant) (date)
Mail completed entry form to:
Helen Diemert If you have an email address include it here:
532 N 21st Street
Fargo, ND 58102 ___________________________________________________
June 9-13, 2024, Dyersville, Iowa
Hosted by the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group HCCA
Name of entrant: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Horseless carriage: _____________________________________________________________________
(year) (make) (model) (body style) (gas, steam, elec.)
CELL NUMBER: _________________________________ we don’t want to lose anyone on tour)
HCCA Membership #__________________is only necessary to be eligible for the Regional HCCA Award
Voted on by the tour participants.
Tour Fee is $225.00 per person #______ adults ____________________________________________
(excluding lodging) (Name of passengers)
(under 10 free) (Names of children)
TOTAL enclosed________________ Please make check payable to Fargo HCCA
Registration deadline is May 13, 2024
Make your reservations by calling the Comfort Inn Dyersville, 527 16th Ave. SE, Dyersville, Iowa 52040 at
563-875-7700. Tell them you are with the HCCA TOUR. Room Rate: $133.28 (includes all tax), for standard single king or standard double queen. Pets are allowed, fee is $25 per night. (Please be aware, places we visit may not allow pets.)
(this is the DATE the BLOCK WILL BE RELEASED.)
Name of Insurance Carrier__________________________________________________________________
(company) (agent)
I agree that the Fargo Red River Valley Regional Group of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, its officers, sponsors, or membership will not be held liable for any accidents or injuries incurred while I or any of my passengers participate in this tour on June 9-13, 2024 in Dyersville, Iowa and surrounding areas.
(signed by entrant) (date)
Mail completed entry form to:
Helen Diemert If you have an email address include it here:
532 N 21st Street
Fargo, ND 58102 ___________________________________________________